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Sports Broadcasting . . .

Sports have dictated the path to where I am today, and I would like to give back in some way. I feel many of my hidden talents are within sports whether I am playing, spectating, or announcing in the stands with former teammates. Passion and enjoyment are what I receive the most from sports and these are two traits I feel I can give back to the sport.

I am ready to find a new path somewhere in the city where I can stay up with the current trends in marketing, clothing, and sports. I forsee myself working for a sports marketing firm in downtown Chicago, but I am not limited to only Chicago or sports. I have envisoned myself taking over the role of Kelly and Michael on ABC and have always found myself to be free spirited, inviting, and talkative amongst my peers.

I come from a family heavily involved in sports and feel confident with the background knowledge I possess for each sport. I have played six different sports growing up and fell in love with hockey the most. Yet, the other sports I played in my younger years helped develop skill sets I may have not attained from only playing hockey. The other sports I enjoyed were: Lacrosse, Cross Country, Track, Softball, and Gymanstics.


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