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"There's always gonna be another mountain..." - Miley Cyrus

It's tough, the next phase of life is hard after sports, but there's something there for you. You just haven't discovered it yet.

Life has it's moments of presenting you with opportunities to try, excel, fail, give up, or get back up. But, as one part of life gets hard, just know that these opportunities are shaping you for something else; something better. As someone famous once said, "These are the times that try men's souls." I don't know why this comes up when the going gets tough, but this is the first thing that comes to my mind, every time. Where to start, well, when you put your heart and soul into everything you do at some point you will be rewarded. When? Well that time could be now, in 6 months, or even 5 years. It's up to you to control the things you can control.

I received the hardest yet best motivating phone call of my life. The nerve that built up when the phone rang had my adrenaline pumping up and down my arm fading into my voice. I spoke very few words and listened intensely. The last time I had been this focused I was playing in the Quarterfinals for a chance at a Championship. Similar situation, same outcome, but different reward. I was politely told I wouldn't be receiving the internship after a rigorous selection of 2,000 candidates that was narrowed to 5. I froze. I became numb. I wasn't sure we were on the same page, but I put myself in the same situation I recently was in at the Quarterfinals. I brought myself back. Being in this situation, again I was fortunate. Fortunate to have made it this far, create new connections, and an unforgettable experience. I was a chosen one, just not for the position I dreamed of and spent so much time preparing for. My voice came through the phone and relayed that I was ok, I was thankful for this opportunity, and my inner voice told me, "It's time to get back to work." It's time to gain some experience and put myself back into a similar situation where the outcome is different. Giving up would be too easy. Giving up wouldn't allow me to work for my dream company. Giving up doesn't show my work ethic - in fact giving up would prove a lousy work ethic. In those few minutes after reflecting, I was encouraged to apply for other upcoming positions and within minutes, I vigorously searched for these positions. I took it upon myself to call back the lady at HR who relayed the bad news and asked her to tell me more about this program. I was nervous, but I received the best piece of encouragement I could have asked for. Even though the outcome was final, "I'm gonna keep tryin and keep my held high" (Miley Cyrus). This next ride isn't about how fast I get there it's about the things that helped me get there.

Life has a funny way of working out and I'm just going to keep working hard.


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